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Work From Home Chrome Extensions

05 Sep 2022 1 comment

A chrome extension is an app or program that can be installed to change or optimize a browser functionality or user productivity. The days where an internet browser was simply a tool for viewing sites on the world wide web are long gone. 

Today, there is so much more you can do with the right browser and the additional functionality you can customise it with, putting it right at the heart of your personal and professional life.

There are some fun and creative options our there so we thought we would pop together this post with some of our favourites! When you work from home effective and efficient technology helpers can be vital to helping you streamline your workflows.

Posture Minder 

Posture Minder reminds you to sit up straight with pop-up notifications at specified time intervals. Sitting up straight while at your desk can make a big difference to your posture and overall health. This simple, elegant extension is easily customizable.

Stay Focused, Be Present 

A self-motivated and interesting method to help you beat Internet addiction. You can cultivate your personal pattern of time management: make good use of 30-minutes to fully concentrate on your work and finish it effectively.


Grammarly is the best and smartest way to avoid grammar problems when you write anything on Chrome. It’s just like a teacher behind you. It will be checking your grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes as you write and advise you to correct them instantly. 


LastPass, an award-winning password manager. It saves your passwords and gives you secure access from every computer and mobile device.

LastPass puts you in control of your online life – making it easy to keep your critical information safe and secure so you can access it whenever you want, wherever you are. Save all your passwords, addresses, credit cards and more in your secure vault and LastPass will automatically fill in your information when you need it.

One Tab 

The OneTab extension neatly shrinks all your open browser tabs into one succinct list! This means that firstly, you won’t need to leave a whole lot of browser tabs open while completing and assignment or project and you get a clean, tidy list (so you can easily find the webpage you’re looking for when you return to working). It also can help you save up to 95% memory and reduce tab clutter!

Strict Workflow 

Strict workflow encourages you to have 25 minute blocks of undistracted work followed by 5 minute breaks. This method has proven to make people feel more focused and motivated. For some of us, I think a forced break will be a welcomed addition to your day. 


Working from home often means sharing images to help explain or show someone something you're working on. A simple and convenient screenshot tool. You can select your area and then edit your screenshot with annotations and text before saving. Lightshot is by far the easiest way to take a custom screenshot and share it with your audience. 

We'd love to hear what extensions you're using on Chrome and other browsers. Share your favourites by leaving a comment for other work from homer's to benefit from! 


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1 comment

19 Feb 2023 Catalina Johnson

I use Keeper (LastPass equivalent), Small PDF (alternative to Docusign), and Key Words Everywhere. Thanks for sharing!

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